Run and grow your business with less stress by cutting through the marketing bullshit and focusing on decisions that matter.


I help ambitious, neurodivergent business owners uncover their unique offers that are easy to sell and simple to deliver.   Not to mention profitable.

Too many brilliant ideas means a cluttered, chaotic business that confuses your perfect-fit clients

Let’s right-size your business so hiring you

is a no-brainer.


If you’re an entrepreneur, creative business owner, or independent professional who identifies with the strengths and struggles of ADHD, check out a few episodes and find out why we are in the top 1.5% of podcasts globally, according to Listen Notes. 

This is the podcast for those of us with big ideas and busy brains who are ready to stop following conventional wisdom and start trusting ourselves. 

Get off the struggle bus and get focused, fired up, and flame retardant.  

Transform your business with guidance from an expert business coach. Tune in now!

As Heard On

Meet Your Business Strategy Coach
Diann Wingert

My #1 Strengths Finder theme is Strategic, so my unfair advantage is quickly getting to the heart of both your most profitable offers and what’s holding you back.

I’ve started and grown several service businesses from scratch, including a highly successful cash-pay private psychotherapy practice in a super crowded market. 

I also have a lifetime of experience managing my own big ideas, and busy brain (think high energy, low boredom tolerance, unfocused creativity, perfectionism,  and distractibility).  

As a neurodivergent, creative and entrepreneurial thinker, I love partnering with other people with big ideas and busy brains who are ready to be known for their brilliance.  

As a business growth coach, my goal is to shave years off your learning curve, so you get farther, faster, and with lots less frustration, fatigue, and f*ck this! 

Featured Blog Post

Tactics for Women Entrepreneurs to Stop Over-Preparing and Take Action Now

Are you an ambitious woman entrepreneur who is stuck in the endless cycle of getting ready but not actually taking action? If so, you are not alone! It may surprise you how many women with years of experience, even decades of experience, get caught up in this cycle. In this blog post, I'll be dropping wisdom and knowledge and some tough love to help you trust yourself, and become the confident leader you’re meant to be. I'll also outline in detail what steps you can use to ensure you are taking action and not getting stuck in preparation. So, buckle up and let's do this!

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Don't Hire a Coach Before Doing This First

Are you a driven female entrepreneur looking to maximize your business success by leveraging working with a coach? If so, this blog is for you! In this post, I’ll outline how to assess your coachability with a 3-level system, and how understanding this system can help you get the most out of coaching investment. I’ll also look at a range of typical coaching scenarios - from those who are highly coachable to those who are utterly uncoachable - and provide insight into how to navigate each stage. So if you’re ready to take your business to the next level with the help of a coach, let’s get started.

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We live in a culture of conformity that attempts to instill fear of standing out, but we believe what makes you different makes you special. We also believe that LGBTQ rights are human rights, and that neurodiversity increases innovation. We are committed to lives of creativity, curiosity and  continuous personal evolution.